About Us
Costello Chiropractic Clinic has been open since 2015, I was given an opportunity to rent a treatment room within Serene Hairdressers, it was this opportunity that allowed me to build Costello Chiropractic Clinic to where it is today. I have established the clinic upon values that I hold of importance, making every client feel valued and listened to, offering the best care possible and creating a relaxed, professional atmosphere.
I graduated as a Human Chiropractor in 2010 following a 4 year full time masters degree course at the Welsh Institute of Chiropractic, I was accompanied to university by a hamster initially and then my Patterdale Terrier dog Lulu. It was inevitable that I would go on to study a 2 year masters degree in McTimoney animal manipulation.
My passion for Chiropractic developed as a teenager in Cheshire watching the horses 'back man', the criteria have changed now but when I wanted to study animal chiropractic you needed to study human chiropractic first. This was where I experienced the impact chiropractic care can have on people and their pain conditions.
I developed an interest in the different treatment modalities and the benefit they can have on a pain condition or joint restriction. Together with an accurate examination of the complaint enables an effective treatment, benefiting the patient.
Late 2020 I came across an advert for 10A Lowesmoor Wharf - what a perfect place for a clinic, designated parking outside, light, airy and spacious inside, perfect for me to further develop the chiropractic clinic.